1.0 Coins / Notes
In this menu you are able to test the functionality of the coin acceptor and hopper payout unit.
Insert a coin and it will routed as per game mode - Note, if the hopper is full and a £1 coin is entered it will divert to the cash box.
Providing the hopper is not full, £1 coins will go into the hopper and all other coins to the cash boxes.
The registered coin will be displayed at the top of the page.
Tap "Inhibit" to configure the coin and note inhibits
Tap "Divert" to divert £1 coins to cash box / hopper
Tap "Hopper Payout" will dispense 1 x £1 coin. Tap once and wait for teh coin to payout. a confirmation message will be displayed.
Tap "Note Payout Denomination" to enter the note recycler test
Tap "Note Recycler Configuration" to set the note recycler type