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Input test allows the user to test all physical inputs.

The image of the machine will indicate where the switch is pressed by glowing white.

Above is an example of the output to be expected when pressing a button.


This breaks down to three separate parts

SWITCH<xxx> - where xxx is the actual input assignment in the machine so in this case Switch 17

RELEASED(xxx) - Released is the current start and xxx is the common name for the switch in this case the Start button

(RHx)-(LHx) where x is the right or left assignment of the switch in this case RH1 as its the first switch on the right and LH8 as its the last switch from the left.


       SWITCH <xxx> can be either "SWITCHx" or "INTERLOCKx" the Switch and Interlock refers to the physical connection to the PC.

All the player switches are on the "SWITCH" line and all the cabinet switches are on the "INTERLOCK" line.


Where SWITCH is an interlock there will not be a RH or LH assignment.

On the Casino King CS the image on this page will be of the Casino King CS and not the Casino King Plus as shown above.

The machine may display "INTERLOCKx released" periodically while in this test. This is to be expected and does not indicate a fault with the machine