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the Last Note page shows a log of the most recent notes entered into the machine.

It also shows as a confirmation how the machine handled that note

Each note in will generate three entries into this log as shown below.

Each event is also timestamped (Not Shown) and should be within a second of each other

The above breaks down as follows

Accepted, this shows that the note recycler has accepted and validated a note.

Live, Shows which mode the machine was in, in the example above "LIVE" mode, other options are "REFILL" and "ADMIN"

Live_Cash_In - this shows how the machine handled that money so in the above example.

       NOTE- 2000 :: TO CR - 500 :: TO BK - 1500 :: CURR CR - 1816 :: CURR BK - 0::

NOTE - 2000 - this is the note that has been entered

TO CR - How much of that note will go to credit

TO BK - How much of that note will go to bank

CURR CR - The current credit before the note is added

CURR BK - The current bank before the note is added

In addition to this each event is timestamped.