The Casino King has been designed for the UK Pub market with security and durability key factors in all design decisions.
Below is a list of some the key features of the Casino King.
All Cash handling devices operate using DES encrypted CCTalk for added security.
The pc unit is locked shut with limited access, in addition to this, the PC is also inside a metal enclosure making it difficult to access.
The top door features two locks with a thicker hardened metal around them and a spring loaded slider for easy closing.
There is also an additional (Optional) top door security hasp available on request.
The bottom exterior door features a full length door hinge, a full length "Steaming" bar and a security hasp that covers the lock for added security.
The interior bottom door also features a full length door hinge and lock.
The Test and Dump switches are housed inside metal brackets making unauthorised access difficult.
Free Play
The free play system give potential players a chance to try out new games without committing to spend any credit on a game.
Free play is available for 5 minutes every 30 minutes and if a user inserts a credit the free play session is ended.
On-line Accounting
Every Casino King is fitted with a 3G modem.
Using this we are able to give customers access to Real Time Game data.
We are also able to remotely configure aspects of the machine for example the menu screen.
Error and activity logs are also available to help with remote diagnostics.
New features are constantly being added so Login to CasinoKing.online to check out the latest.