Error Log
The error log shows the most recent errors on the machine.
In the below example we see a hopper error and an acceptor error.
The first column "xx ERR_x where xx" is the error detected and x is the count of errors, the count of errors resets periodically.
The second column "x: xx_xxx" where x is the error code, xx is the device and xxx is the type of error (if unknown it will display error)
In the above example we see an acceptor error "NOTERECYCLER ERR_8 - 1.6A: ACCEPTOR_ERROR". This indicated a error with the Note Acceptor/Recycler
This error is then cleared "NOTEACCEPTOR ERR_9 - 1.6 : CLEARED" by the machine as the machine will always try to recover itself if possible.
We then have a Payout error " PAYOUT ERR_3 - 4.7 : HOPPER_EMPTY" . This indicates the hopper is empty. Note, This error can also be raised if the hopper is jammed.
This error is then cleared " PAYOUT ERR_4 - 4.7 : CLEARED". This indicates the hopper has been refilled or unjammed.
In addition to this each event is timestamped.